Thursday, December 04, 2008

The 10 Awesomest Godzilla Toys Ever

Whether you call him Godzilla or Gojira, there's no debate that the giant green lizard is perhaps Japan's greatest import, at least next to Hello Kitty and that Asahi beer. Originally a menacing monster and metaphor for the nuclear bomb, Godzilla changed over the years since he debuted in 1954, as director Eji Tsuburaya discovered that his biggest fans were kids, with all of their delicious licensing dollars. After 50+ years of wonderful, wonderful toys, here are ten of the coolest from all over the world.

Read Topless Robot - The 10 Awesomest Godzilla Toys Ever.

(Via Jesse Trussell.)


Friday, February 08, 2008

It's Official: 'Cloverfield 2'

From Cinematical:

CloverfieldAccording to Variety, Matt Reeves is "in early talks with Paramount" to direct a sequel to this month's smash Cloverfield. This should come as a surprise to exactly no one, as Cloverfield was made on the super cheap ($25 million) and scored a whopping $46 million in its opening weekend alone. From the way the announcement is worded, it looks like they want Cloverfield II underway ASAP, as soon as Paramount can complete discussions with Reeves, producer J.J. Abrams and writer Drew Goddard, who penned Cloverfield as well as episodes of Lost, Alias, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Reeves has also signed to direct The Invisible Woman, "a Hitchcock-style thriller" he wrote that "probes the mind of a former beauty queen who turns to a life of crime to protect her family."

Read It's Official: 'Cloverfield 2' is Coming! - Cinematical.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

YouTube Saturday - Extended Cloverfield Trailer

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Eiji Tsuburaya: Master of Monsters

picMy sabbatical from things Stomp Tokyo means that I'm no longer posting to Film Buff Stuff, but I couldn't resist passing along word of this new book from cult movie enthusiast August Ragone.

The Amazon description states:

Behind-the-scenes hero to anyone who's thrilled by giant monsters duking it out over Tokyo, Eiji Tsuburaya was the visual effects mastermind behind Godzilla, Ultraman, and numerous Japanese science fiction movies and TV shows beloved around the world. The first book on this legendary film figure in English, this highly visual biography details his fascinating life and career, featuring hundreds of film stills, posters, concept art, and delightful on-set photos of Tsuburaya prompting monsters to crush landmark buildings. A must-have for fans, this towering tribute also features profiles of Tsuburaya's film collaborators, details on his key films and shows (most available on DVD), and features on the enduring popularity of the characters he helped create.

The behind-the-scenes photos are apparently quite something to behold -- can't wait to take a look for myself.

Check out the Amazon listing for Eiji Tsuburaya: Master of Monsters: Defending the Earth with Ultraman and Godzilla.

[Via Giant Monsters Attack!.]

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Godzilla Burger - eat it all and they'll name it after YOU


That's five pounds of burger plus extra fixin's, for $100 -- refundable if you eat it all in under an hour.

I wouldn't pay $100 just for the "privilege" of eating the burger, but I can see a group of friends chipping in to buy it for the entertainment value of watching their buddy contestant give it a try.

Learn more at the Phantom Gourmet.

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Norton Fighter - Ultraman for your PC

Friday, August 03, 2007

Cloverfield poster released


If this poster doesn't give you a minor case of the chills, you're either:

a) not a giant monster fan

b) dead.

[Via Giant Monsters Attack.]

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