Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Peter Jackson and New Line part ways on "The Hobbit"

In an open letter to fans, Jackson and partner Fran Walsh describe why they won't be doing a feature film version of The Hobbit. It mostly hinges on a lawsuit they brought against studio New Line when there was an accounting audit on The Fellowship of the Ring - apparently there was some question as to whether New Line was treating Jackson's company, Wingnut Films, equitably. Here's the nut of it:
In other words, we would have to agree to make The Hobbit as a condition of New Line settling our lawsuit. In our minds this is not the right reason to make a film and if a film of The Hobbit went ahead on this basis, it would be doomed. Deciding to make a movie should come from the heart - it's not a matter of business convenience.
I've always been skeptical that this project was ever going to come together, and frankly I'm not convinced that it should. The Lord of the Rings is a story deserving of the epic style with which those films were imbued – The Hobbit is a smaller story that needs the sort of treatment it's already been given in the animated version.


Blogger AmyMo said...

And see, I really don't like the animated Hobbit. It actually put me off of reading those books for years and years. I would have welcomed a feature film version.

11:33 AM  
Blogger nshumate said...

I'll be sad if they're no feature, if only because I know exactly what the trailer should look like.

It starts with shots of the shire, Bilbo turning to camera, Gandalf looming, the long night with the dwarves in Bilbo's home...

"From J.R.R. Tolkien of 'Lord of the Rings'..."

The pace picks up, quicker and quicker editing of goblins, elves, giant spiders, the dragon, music that builds and builds, and then --

Blackness. Silence. And a slithery voice says:

"What has it got in its pocketses?"

Then face shots of the cast, and the title.

Pure magic, I tell you.

8:27 AM  

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