Numba 2
I watch a lot of movies (there will now be a brief pause so you
can put on a shocked face and gasp, "No!"), The trouble
is, not every movie will support my normal several thousand words
of ranting and raving. Here are some examples.

Yeah, okay, so I may the last person in the world
to review this.
Just in case I'm not: a group of British
Soldiers are on a training manuever in the heavily forested part
of the Scottish Highlands. The first problem that arises is when
they find the camp of their opponents in this small scale war
game, a high-level covert ops special forces unit. Moreover, what's
left of that unit: something or things killed the supposed
elite badasses rather messily during the night. The second problem
is the identity of the killers: a pack of werewolves operating
on their home turf. The third problem: the full moon is rising.
If there is a real drawback to Dog Soldiers,
it's that it will remind you constantly of other movies. As the
soldiers barricade themselves into a nearby farmhouse, any number
of zombie films will start popping up in your head. As the soldiers
are heavily armed and well-trained in small squad tactics, the
memory of Aliens will be irresistable. No, one of the things
that Dog Soldiers can be accused of is not originality,
but it's what first time director Neil Marshall does with the
sturdy old setpieces that counts.
of the fun comes from watching the soldiers try to figure a way
out of their predicament, and see how plan after plan is thwarted,
desperation heightening as the ammo runs out. The movie for me
was a tremendous amount of fun until the third act, when a rather
gratuitous plot twist (which seems to invalidate a lot of the
previous plot points) arrives, and afterwards things just seem
to shuffle about according to a tattered playbook until the final
showdown, when (as we all expected) that deus ex machina
introduced in the first scene makes its reappearance.
Which didn't detract from my enjoyment of the movie
significantly. As usual, it's the small details that bug me. like
the strangely luminous fog of the Scottish Highlands; there is
frequently so much light pouring in the shuttered windows I thought
the sun had risen and it was time for the soldiers to go hunting
werewolves-now-civilians. Wisely, the bad guys are kept mainly
off-camera for the majority of the picture (and when we do get
a look, they aren't laughable), and the acting is uniformly good.
Sean Pertwee - yep, the son of Doctor Who Jon Pertwee -
is an especial standout as Sgt. Wells, the kind of dedicated career
soldier who is always the Sarge in these situations. The
kind of guy you always hope will lead your squad in the field.
Probably a major reason I've not written about this
movie to this point is that the best possible critique of it has
been penned by Mike over at Dante's
Inferno and All-Night Video Store: this is the movie that
a horror fan would come up on his own - in Mike's case (appropriately
enough) while he was on guard duty - and it shows in a gleeful
approach unafraid to inject humor into the most horrific moments.
Dog Soldiers is the most pleasant surprise I've found on
the rental shelves in a long time.

Speaking of surprises: The Yokai Monsters
discs started showing up without much fanfare on store shelves,
leading to much curiosity on my part. My curiosity is usually
limited to intellectual phrases like, The hell-???!!!,
so here is the -sort of - lowdown as I have been able to unearth
This is a series of movies made by Daiei in the
late 60s, featuring creatures from Japanese folklore, which is
to say, people in rubber suits. Spook Warfare is actually
the second in this series of three movies, but was released by
ADVfilms as Volume One because they felt that it was the strongest
of the trio. (If you're wondering, the other two films are called
Monsters and the oddly titled Along
With Ghosts)
Spook Warfare opens with tomb raiders in
Arabic costume accidentally resurrecting an ancient Babylonian
demon named Daimon, who decides to split to a part of the world
that doesn't know how to deal with his diabolic kind, namely feudal
Japan. Killing a benevolent lord and assuming his identity, Daimon
proceeds to do anti-social things like smash holy shrines and
drink peoples' blood. Eventually, when he starts actively kidnapping
children for midnight snacks, the local spirits (or yokai monsters,
if you prefer), decide enough is enough and band together to oust
the foreigner and strike a blow for the pride of Japanese monsters
of this movie may depend on how familiar you are with the apparitions
of Japanese folklore. I had a casual knowledge of creatures like
the kappa (a water imp) and the karakasa (a one-legged umbrella
monster who likes to lick your face), and the others seemed deucedly
familiar, but I was unable to put a name on them or get a handle
on their powers or place in the hierarchy of monsters. This didn't
matter an awful lot to my enjoyment of the picture, but I think
it does impact my overall rating; lacking that background and
resulting resonance, the experience was quaint more than
anything else.
I should pause to mention the picture quality on
ADVFilms' disc, which was extraordinary. Outside of a few
scenes where the color temperature was off, the film element was
in beautiful shape; approaching the movie tabula rasa as
I did, I was surprised to find that it had a copyright date of
1968. I had thought it to be much more recent.
Another reason for the small amount of ambivalence
I feel toward the picture, other than my lack of cultural background
to fully enjoy it: it would seem that this would be a fine picture
for children, who love their monster good guys; but Daimon's blood-drinking
is far too intense for the small fry. Besides, your only option
for viewing is Japanese language/English subtitles. Purist that
I am, I feel that's entirely appropriate, and it at least means
careless parents won't be accidentally traumatizing their children
with it.

If Dog Soldiers is the movie Mike came up
with in his idle hours, then Series 7 is certainly the
one that I dreamed up in mine. I don't know about you, but network
TV for me has become one long season in hell, populated by nothing
but Reality TV and Everybody Loves Raymond. I don't like
This truly is a movie for people who hate Reality
TV. What makes it even better is that while the final cut was
being prepared in the editing suite, the first season of Survivor
changed the landscape of television into a world where Series
7's subject matter seems not only possible, but you're damn
sure some network executive in the grip of a cocaine binge has
considered it.
Series 7 is actually a "marathon"
showing of the latest episodes of a series called The Contenders,
which can best be thought of as Death Race 2000 meets Battle
Royale meets COPS meets Waiting for Guffman
by way of The 10th Victim. Six citizens from a randomly
chosen city are drawn by lottery and issued guns. Constantly tailed
by TV cameras, the contestants' job is hunt down and kill each
other for the viewers' entertainment. The surviving champion goes
on to the next series, and five new opponents. Survive three lotteries,
and you're allowed to leave the game.
Attempting to produce any backstory as to how the
series came to be would be unweildy (this violence is apprently
condoned by law enforcement - in fact, when one unwilling contestant
goes the Logan's Run route, he is pursued in a LA Police-style
televised chase), so writer/director Daniel Minahan wisely concentrates
on the contestants, most notably two-time champion Dawn Lagarto
(a truly outstanding performance by Brooke Smith, who was Jamie
Gumb's victim-to-be in Silence of the Lambs). Dawn is an
unwed mother far into the ninth month of her pregnancy; in order
to safeguard her unborn baby's life, she has become a ruthless
killer who plays the game very well.
show starts off with the finale of Series 6, as Dawn walks into
a convenience store where her last surviving opponent is buying
cigarettes. She immediately shoots him from behind, puts two rounds
in his head, then asks the stunned clerk if the store has any
bean dip. At this point, you know you're in for a ride.
In a prescient nod to producer's meddlings in the
real-life reality shows, The Powers That Be decide to place Series
7 in Dawn's old hometown. Not only is one of the contestants a
former lover, but Dawn will also find herself up against the condemnation
of her own family. Her other opponents are a family man who finds
his intestinal fortitude is not up to his macho posturing; a cheerleader;
a conspiracy-minded recluse who seems one manifesto short of being
the Unabomber; and a middle-aged nurse who turns out to have a
devious streak even deeper than Dawn's.
The performances are fairly convincing, and Minahan
successfully dissects and employs the storytelling devices of
verite programming very well, with edgy graphics and short
snippets of important scenes preceding the commercial breaks to
make sure you stay tuned. It must have been very tempting
to actually produce commercials for this strange, frightening
parallel world. Minahan's smarter than that, though. Frankly,
I wouldn't have been.
Yeah, sometimes the unfolding events are a little
too pat, and the way the ending is handled robs it of power (but
is still rather mordantly funny); it's the sort of social satire
and edgy storytelling that should encouraged. Highly creative,
often savagely funny. I'd love to give you a direct link to purchase
it, but for some reason, Amazon doesn't carry it. I wonder what
Franklin, the paranoid recluse who lives in a lead-lined trailer,
would make of that.